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Ni Linglin

2016年11月02日 12:49  点击:[]

Ni Linglin

Department of Logistics Management

Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics

Xueyuan Road 18, Xiasha,

Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China

Telephone: (+086) 13516779583

E-mail: nll@zufe.edu.cn


Associate Professor of Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics

D.O.B: 11.1980

Gender: Female

Nationality: P.R. China


EDUCATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ph.D. (Logistics Engineering) Central South University 2008-2012

Dissertation: Study on Express Operation Network Optimization Design and Competitive Network Equilibrium

M.A. (Management Science and Engineering) Central South University 2002-2005

B. A. (Transportation and Traffic Engineering) Central South University 1998-2002


Logistic and Supply Chain Management, Network Optimization, Internet of Thing, Applying Statistics

ARTICLES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[1] Linglin Ni, Xiaokun Wang*, Dapeng Zhang. Impacts of Information Technology and Urbanization on Less-than-Truckload. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. SCI

[2]ZHANG Lin-xue, QIN Jin, HE Yu-xin, YE Yong, NI Ling-lin*. Network-level optimization method for road network maintenance programming based on network efficiency [J]. J. Cent. South Univ. (2015) 22: 4882−4889.SCI

[3]Ni Linglin, SHI Feng. Hub location and allocation optimization of multiple allocation hub-and-spoke express networks. System Engineering-Theory &Practice, 2012, 32 (2) .EI

[4] Ni Linglin, SHI Feng. Competitive Network Equilibrium Based on Express Transport Organization Plan Express. Journal of Southwest Transport University. EI,(accepted)

[5]Ni Linglin, QIN Jin. Framework for Vehicle-based Hybrid Route Guidance System. Journal of Central South University (Natural Science Edition), 2011,Vol.42. EI

[6]Ni Linglin, Wang Jiaoe et al. Spatial Organization of Express Delivery Enterprise in China- a Case Study of SF-Express. Economic Geography. 2012(2)

[7] Ni Linglin, Shi Feng et al. Comparative study on fully-connected and hub-and-spokeexpress operational networks[J] .System Enginerring,2009,27(12):45-55.

[8] Ni Linglin. Characteristics Analysis of Composite Express Service Network Structure Based on Hub-and-Spoke network and Point-to-Point Network. Statistics and Decision, 2010(20)59-61.

[9] Ni Linglin. Development Strategic Study of Express Enterprises Based on Implant of Internet of Thing. Logistics Technology, 2012(5).

[10] Ni Linglin. Game Analysis of Logistics Outsourcing and Study on Risk Evasion Tactics. Logistics Technology, 2007(11).

[11] Ni Linglin. Market Strategic Study of Private Express Enterprises-Based on SWOT Analysis of a Private Express Enterprise. Logistics technology, 2009(7).

[12] Ni Linglin. Logistics Provider Selection Based on Quality Function Deployment. Logistics Technology, 2009, (2).

[13] Qin Jin, Ni Linglin et al.The Dynamic Pricing of Seasonal Products Considering Procurement Quantity. System Engineering-Theory & Practice, 2011, 7(31). EI

[14] Qin Jin, Ni Linglin et al. Bi-Level Programming Model and Algorithm for Transportation Network Design Problem Considering Sustainable Development. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology.2010, 4(10).

[15] Qin Jin, Ni Ling-lin, Shi Feng. Mixed Transportation Network Design under a Sustainable Development Perspective[J], Scientific World Journal, Volume 2013, doi:10.1100/2012/ 549735. SCI

[16]Qin Jin, Ni Ling-lin, Shi Feng. Optimization Model and Algorithm for Quay Crane Scheduling in Container Terminals [J]Journal of Southwest Transport University, 2013, 48 (1): 184-192. EI

[17]Qin Jin, Ni Ling-lin, Shi Feng. Combined Simulated Annealing Algorithm for the Discrete Facility Location Problem[J], Scientific World Journal, Volume 2012, doi:10.1100/2012/576392. SCI


PROJECTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[1] Project “Study on influence factors and spatial effects of travel flow based on mobile phone data” supported by The Fund Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang province(No. Q17G010009). 2016-2019. Role: Project leader.

[2]Project “Path of Implant of Internet of Thing in Express Industry” supported by Humanities Social Sciences Planning Youth Fund of Ministry of Education (No. 12YJC630142), 2012-2015. Role: Project leader.

[3] Project “Research of Development Strategy of Express Logistics Industry of Zhejiang Province” supported by Soft Science Foundation of Science Technology Department of Zhejiang Province (No. 2011C35024), 2011-2013. Role: Project leader.

[4] Project “Modes Research of Implant of Internet of Thing in Express Industry” supported by Philosophy social science planning Fund of Zhejiang Province (No. 11YD24YB), 2011-2012. Role: Project leader.

[5]Project “Method and theory of the urban road transportation network design oriented to network efficiency” supported by The Fund Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China

(No. 71101155). 2012-2014. Role: Main participants

[6] Project “Research on Train Operation Plan and Ticket Strategy of Urban Rail Transit” Supported by Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province (No. 10JJ4046), 2010-2012. Role: Main participants.

[7] Project “Study on Industry Joint Logistics Based on the Regional Economy of Zhejiang Province” supported by Research Fund of Education Department of Zhejiang Province (No. Y200803149), 2008.12-2009.12. Role: Project leader.

[8]Project “Optimization theory and method on Express Network Based on Hub and Spoke Theory” supported by Research Fund of Zhejiang University of Finance& Economics (No. 2010YJY46), 2010.12-2011.12. Role: Project leader.

[9]Project “Risk Management of Logistics Outsourcing based on Principal-agent Theory” supported by Research Fund of Zhejiang University of Finance& Economics (No. 2005YJY010), 2005.12-2006.12. Role: Project leader.


TEACHING EXPERIENCE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

July 2005 – Present, Full-Time Faculty Zhejiang University of Finance&Economics, Hangzhou

Teaching Courses:

Undergraduate Level

- Logistics

- ERP Sand Table Simulation

- Distribution and Distribution Center

- Consumer Behavior


BOOKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[1]Express Operation Network Optimization Design and Competitive Network Equlibrium, Electronic industry press,2015

[2]Sand Table Simulation Instructor of Management in Business Establishment, Tsinghua University Press,2012

AWARDS AND HONORS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- Excellent Teacher of Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics, 2010-2011

- First Prize of Zhejiang Final of the Eighth National College "UF Cup" Contest of ERP Sand Table Simulation Operation,2012

- Excellent Tutor of Zhejiang University of Finance& Economics, 2011-2012

-Consultant Lecturer of alliance of the teachers of Yonyou Seentao technology Ltd.

MEMBERSHIP AND AFFILIATIONS-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

China Society of Logistics, Zhejiang Association of Supply Chain, Zhejiang Express Industry Association

上一条:Xu Shengjiang 下一条:Liu Hui

