Training Process
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2021年05月06日 10:46  点击:[]



KARAPETOV ARTEM、MUMBA AHMED两位同学大修后通过开题(即评议结论为B)。请上述同学抓紧时间,根据开题报告会评议老师的意见对开题报告进行较大的修改完善,并提交导师审核,导师同意后提交给学院。学院组织专家评审,评审通过才能通过开题。评审不通过者转为C类(第二次开题)。以上同学请在5月14日前将开题报告及修改说明表发送至。

JEUFO TOFACK WILLIE ARNOLD未通过开题,需要重新开题。若导师和研究生本人对上述开题评议情况有异议,请于2021年5月9日前将意见反馈到研究生秘书处,联系电话86732653。



Announcement on the review of the 2018 international students' master's degree thesis opening report

2018 international master students and related supervisors:

The 2018 international master students made report on the master's thesis proposal on April 29th, 2021, and we hereby report the results of the evaluation:

There are two students, KARAPETOV ARTEM、MUMBA AHMED passed the thesis proposal after major modification (the conclusion of the review is B). The above-mentioned students are requested to hurry up and make major revisions to the proposal based on the comments of the teachers in the proposal report meeting, and submit it to the supervisor for review. After the supervisor agrees, please submit it to the college. The college will organize an expert review, and only after passing the review can students pass the thesis proposal. Those who fail the review will be transferred to Category C (the second thesis proposal). The above-mentioned students please send the proposal report and modification demonstration form to before May 14th.

JEUFO TOFACK WILLIE ARNOLD failed the thesis proposal and need to do it again. If the supervisor and the master student themselves have objections to the above-mentioned comment on the proposal, please report their opinions to the Graduate Student Secretariat before May 9rd, 2021, contact number: 86732653.

School of Business Administration


上一条:关于2018级来华留学硕士研究生学位论文预答辩情况的通报 下一条:关于2019级留学生硕士研究生学位论文开题报告评议情况的通报

