2023年6月28日,阿德莱德大学Stephen Zhang教授受邀来访我院并为我院师生作题为《Only the Paranoid Survive? The Implications of Having a Paranoid CEO in SMEs》的学术报告。本次报告在工商哈哈体育楼411会议室举行,我校教师和研究生参会。报告由副院长戴维奇教授主持。
首先,Stephen Zhang介绍了研究的动机、重要变量、理论假设、研究方法和数据来源。实证研究表明首席执行官的偏执对企业战略决策的质量以及实施双元战略是具有负面影响的,但在环境敌对性较强的情况下前述负面影响得到缓解。这项研究有助于更好地理解CEO偏执的现象,揭示了CEO偏执的战略含义、影响效应以及舒缓CEO偏执负面影响的情境条件,对于企业CEO选聘时间具有重要指导意义。
接着,Stephen Zhang与在座老师和研究生们进行深入探讨。我院戴维奇教授、倪文斌教授、邓浩然博士等老师以及张晓萍等研究生就“企业家黑暗面与偏执的相关与差异”“本研究对于实践的指导意义”“企业生存的代理变量是否可以进一步完善”“如何避免问卷调查过程高管自我美化的问题”“疫情对于研究的影响”“如何形成论文选题” 等问题展开探讨。Stephen Zhang详细解释了论文中涉及的概念与操作化、理论机制和统计方法,并与老师学生们交流了研究经验和未来研究想法。
戴维奇教授总结了此次报告,指出此次报告中运用的多轮次问卷研究法和论文写作技巧值得老师和学生们学习,希望今后老师和同学们更积极地参与学术交流。最后,戴维奇教授向Stephen Zhang教授致以谢意,也感谢师生的参与。讲座在合影留念中落下帷幕。
Stephen Zhang教授简介
Stephen Zhang is a professor of entrepreneurship and strategy at the University of Adelaide. He studies how entrepreneurs and top management teams behave under uncertainties. Stephen has published articles in top journals in entrepreneurship (e.g. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice), management (e.g. Academy of Management Journal) as well as COVID-19 research in health journals. His work has been featured in major media outlets (e.g., Yahoo; MSN; HuffPost; the Age; Sydney Morning Herald). Stephen has worked previously in University of Sydney, Catholic University of Chile, and National University of Singapore. Prior to his academic career, Stephen has worked in several industries and has founded startups. Stephen received his Bachelor Degree at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, and his Ph.D. from the National University of Singapore. Prior to his academic career, Stephen has founded ventures and worked in several industries including engineering, management consultancy, market research, and innovation management.